By using our AI-driven document services, businesses can enhance communication strategies, boost user satisfaction, and improve efficiency by allowing users to search your document library with a generative AI chat. We use a natural language algorithm and a vector database to analyze your content. This will allow for more than just a "smart search". Your users will be able to find relevant content from across disparate sources and receive answers conversationally.
OpenAI, Ollama, AWS Bedrock, & custom AI engines
UI/UX design
Front-end development
Back-end development
Vector databases
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
Smart assistants can provide additional layers of support for your team, help generate sales leads, especially after hours, and boost efficiency. For example, your team will be able to get self-service support and get real answers based on historical knowledge and a generative AI that can understand how to provide the right answer based on context. And that's just the start. We can help you get a smart assistant up and running in no time, whether it's off-the-shelf, or a custom solution.
Bot services or AI provider integrations
UI/UX design
Front-end development
Back-end development
Web app integrations
Imagine users being able to search your content using a chat-like interface that understands what they really want and gives them answers based on context. This isn't a keyword search. And it isn't an FAQ or knowledge base. It's a repository of your content that's been indexed with natural language processing (NLP) and stored in a vector database. You can even enhance the experience using a generative AI to provide a conversational aspect. So if you need to up your content search game, we can help.
OpenAI, Ollama, AWS Bedrock, & custom NLP services
UI/UX design
Front-end development
Back-end development
SQL Server integration
Vector database ingest
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
Generative AI is really great at analyzing patterns based on a training set. One example of this is in medical imaging where AI is able to look at scans and identify disease on par or better than human physicians. But this technology is available to everyone, and can be used to identify food, plants and animals, weather, traffic, and more. Fynydd has the experience to help you with AI vision services.
OpenAI, AWS Bedrock, & custom vision engines
UI/UX design
Front-end development
Back-end development
If you're moderating conversations in a social network or support interactions, understanding sentiment can be a huge help. If a customer is getting angry, automating elevation to someone who can save the day can be invaluable. Likewise, making sure your organization has profanity and abuse in check is a must. We can help you implement a sentiment analysis solution that takes the work and worry out of these kinds of compliance and customer satisfaction scenarios.
OpenAI, Ollama, AWS Bedrock, & custom AI/NLP engines
UI/UX design
Front-end development
Back-end development
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
Optical character recognition and audio transcription performance and accuracy have improved exponentially over the last decade, super-charged by advances in generative AI and natural language processing (NLP). If you need to convert images and audio to text, Fynydd can build the right AI-optimized solution for your transcription needs.
OpenAI, Ollama, AWS Bedrock, & custom AI engines
UI/UX design
Front-end development
Back-end development
Vector databases
Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
We offer all kinds of UI design and software development services. Check them out on our services page.
Amazon Web Services
AWS bedrock
Microsoft .NET
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Windows
SQL Server
Whether your organization is big or small, book a conference call or request a project estimate and find out how Fynydd can help with your next web development or mobile app project!