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RT @nonsequituriat: Praise the tech gods... Hamachi VPN access for iOS and Android!

Fynydd @fynydd on 11/5/2013

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Desperation or genius? Microsoft repackages websites as Windows Phone apps in bid to lure developers.

Fynydd @fynydd on 10/21/2013

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Fynydd welcomes Zack Mason to our development staff! His first project is for a local non-profit which aligns really well with our mission.

Fynydd @fynydd on 10/9/2013

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Yesterday, Fiksu of Boston announced that iOS 7 was on 58.5 percent of all Apple mobile devices that were accessing its clients’ apps.

Fynydd @fynydd on 9/27/2013

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According to Mixpanel, iOS 7 has surpassed iOS 6 in first three days. Developers rejoice.

Fynydd @fynydd on 9/21/2013

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RT @jptoto: If you’re not already a @Beanstalkapp user, you’re going to be jealous of today’s release.

Fynydd @fynydd on 8/29/2013

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According to the U.S. Government, Android accounts for 79% of all mobile malware, iOS 0.7%.

Fynydd @fynydd on 8/26/2013

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Is Apple now experimenting with adding user ratings into their search algorithm?

Fynydd @fynydd on 8/26/2013

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RT @thinkbrownstone: "...every company is in the user experience business" and other goodies from @karenmcgrane on @alistapart http://t. ...

Fynydd @fynydd on 4/2/2013

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Yes, please! RT @ronmichael I have a lot of Mac users here begging to try the new @HipChat native Mac beta app!

Fynydd @fynydd on 2/14/2013