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The best PowerPoint presentations are the ones that are never created. #truth

Fynydd @fynydd on 6/21/2014

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According to the latest statistics from Chitika Insights, 89.7 percent of iPhone web traffic in North America is from iOS 7.

Fynydd @fynydd on 5/31/2014

How to charge and care for your mobile device battery

Lithium-ion batteries, like the ones used in notebooks, tablets, and phones, don't require power cycling in order to retain their maximum capacity for storing energy and long life.

Working with hidden files in OS X

If you've ever had to edit a hidden system file in OS X, like the *hosts* file (for adding custom domain names to your local machine), it's easy to find and open these files from any application.

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RT @jptoto: Newest Wildbit product!

Fynydd @fynydd on 11/7/2013

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RT @nonsequituriat: Praise the tech gods... Hamachi VPN access for iOS and Android!

Fynydd @fynydd on 11/5/2013

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Desperation or genius? Microsoft repackages websites as Windows Phone apps in bid to lure developers.

Fynydd @fynydd on 10/21/2013

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Fynydd welcomes Zack Mason to our development staff! His first project is for a local non-profit which aligns really well with our mission.

Fynydd @fynydd on 10/9/2013

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Yesterday, Fiksu of Boston announced that iOS 7 was on 58.5 percent of all Apple mobile devices that were accessing its clients’ apps.

Fynydd @fynydd on 9/27/2013

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According to Mixpanel, iOS 7 has surpassed iOS 6 in first three days. Developers rejoice.

Fynydd @fynydd on 9/21/2013