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Open Source: Fdeploy

Published on Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Fdeploy project is a command line interface (CLI) application that can use simple YAML config files in your ASP.NET web projects to define deployment to one or more remote environments over SMB, like over a VPN connection using a network file share.

It can be configured to clean and purge the project, build, and publish, and even add files and folders to the published output prior to deployment.It can then deploy with various rules like "path ignore", "always update path", "clean orphaned files and folders", and more. You can even define content that can be deployed without taking the web app offline. And when it does, it uses an app offline file that you can also customize in the YAML settings.

Fdeploy also has robust retry support. When files are in-use on the remote server it will retry one or more times and wait a specified number of seconds between attempts.

Visit the repository to see how you can install this tool to begin using it right away.


1. Install Microsoft .NET

Fdeploy requires that you already have the .NET 8.0 runtime installed, which you can get at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download.

2. Install Fdeploy

Run the following command in your command line interface (e.g. cmd, PowerShell, Terminal, bash, etc.):

dotnet tool install --global fynydd.fdeploy

Later you can update Fdeploy with the following command:

dotnet tool update --global fynydd.fdeploy


If you need to completely uninstall Fdeploy, use the command below:

dotnet tool uninstall --global fynydd.fdeploy

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