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Open Source: Sfumato CSS

Published on Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sfumato is a lean, modern, utility-based CSS framework generation CLI tool. It is compatible with the Tailwind CSS class naming structure and has the following additional features:

  • Cross-platform multi-threaded native code; much faster than Tailwind's javascript code
  • System-wide CLI utility; one install works for all your projects
  • Embedded Dart Sass gives you all the benefits of using Sass/SCSS as part of your workflow
  • Additional utility classes for adaptive and scalable layouts
  • System theme matching as well as classes that include “light”, “dark”, and “auto"
  • Integrated form element styles (class compatible with Tailwind forms plugin)
  • Supports redirected input for use in automation workflows

Visit the repository to see how you can install this tool to begin using it right away.

How To Use

Create one simple sfumato.yml file (manually or using the Sfumato "init" command) for your web-based app or website project and run the Sfumato CLI "watch" command. It will watch your project files as you work, keeping track of your markup changes, and will transpile your SCSS files into custom, tiny CSS files based only on the Sfumato features you use.

Use the following command for more information on Sfumato commands and options:

sfumato help


1. Install Microsoft .NET

Sfumato requires that you already have the .NET 9.0 runtime installed, which you can get at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download.

2. Install Sfumato

Run the following command in your command line interface (e.g. cmd, PowerShell, Terminal, bash, etc.):

dotnet tool install --global fynydd.sfumato

Later you can update Sfumato with the following command:

dotnet tool update --global fynydd.sfumato


If you need to completely uninstall Sfumato, use the command below:

dotnet tool uninstall --global fynydd.sfumato

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